be careful what you wish for. jason: adam schiff saying what the president did is un-american. what is your read on it? it s absolutely american. louie brandi said it best. sunlight is the best of disinfectants. it s becoming clear we had the embryo of a police state growing in our intelligence agencies. in our law enforcement agencies and at the i.r.s. i.r.s. prayin preying on the ory americans because of the political beliefs and department of justice at the highest levels misusing their powers. first, to intervene in our national election. when they failed to do that to undermind constitutionally elected president of the united
be careful what you wish for. jason: adam schiff saying what the president did is un-american. what is your read on it? it s absolutely american. louie brandi said it best. sunlight is the best of disinfectants. it s becoming clear we had the embryo of a police state growing in our intelligence agencies. in our law enforcement agencies and at the i.r.s. i.r.s. prayin preying on the ory americans because of the political beliefs and department of justice at the highest levels misusing their powers. first, to intervene in our national election. when they failed to do that to undermind constitutionally elected president of the united states. congressman, one of the great people serving our