After reading what is titled “Oregon food bank statement calling for a ceasefire of Israel's violence against Palestinians,” fourteen Jewish organizations say t
After reading what is titled “Oregon food bank statement calling for a ceasefire of Israel's violence against Palestinians,” fourteen Jewish organizations say t
After reading what is titled “Oregon food bank statement calling for a ceasefire of Israel's violence against Palestinians,” fourteen Jewish organizations say t
While Tillamook County, Oregon might be famous for its cheese, many of its residents struggle with food insecurity. The issue is especially acute in the summer when kids are out of school. Levi Johnson is the Tillamook branch operations lead for Oregon Food Bank. .
The U.S. House Agriculture Committee will review its version of the farm bill on May 23. Anti-hunger advocates say a proposed cut to SNAP in the bill would take away $500 million in benefits over the next decade in Oregon. Advocates are calling on the two Oregon legislators in that committee to vote "no" on the changes.