Manoj Jarange, who marched for six days from Jalna to Mumbai and is presently stationed in Vashi, Navi Mumbai, said that he has started an indefinite hunger strike from today to press for the quotas. The Maratha reservation protest rally with lakhs of supporters was supposed to head to Azad Maidan in Mumbai on Republic Day however, they will now stay in Vashi. , Mumbai News, Times Now
On Republic Day, lakhs of Marathas waving the Tricolour and saffron flags, marched into Mumbai from different entry points in what is considered as the "final battle" for reservation in education and jobs for the community, here on .
Shivba Sanghatana leader Manoj Jarange-Patil on Friday gave a day's ultimatum to Maharashtra government to issue a notification on the Maratha quotas and other demands.Sitting on agitation at Navi Mumbai along with lakhs of Marathas, .