a presidential election. sean: all right, john solomon, thank you. great news. great information. now for more on hunter biden s imminent legal woes, welcome to, of the hit show the five, our very own judge jeanine pirro is here. [cheers and applause] great to see you. by the way, i did not get that reaction when i came out. i m just saying. it is great to see. congratulations on all your success. okay. i want to start with a different question. okay? so abby lowell who got john edwards off and albiol who got senator menendez off is now the biden s attorney. he is one of the best attorneys in the country. i think you would admit. he is representing them. this is not a slamdunk, is it? let me ask you a question. [laughter] sean: by the way, behind me, it says, piero.
happen. the hope for kevin mccarthy is that he does make some progress on squirrelling up more votes to become the next speaker of the house. but he s not budging. his numbers are not budging. they re stuck. so is he. at 8:00 p.m. tonight, they re back at it. here s the five. judge jeanine: hello, everyone, am judged any and piero along with jusco tar love, jesse watters, dana perino, and even greg got filed. it s 5:00 in new york city, and this is the five ! welcome to groundhog day, america. at the speaker stalemate on capitol hill showing no signs of stopping, and it is unclear who will blink first. republicans are locked in a fierce battle if you should hold
Piero Angela, vi siete mai chiesti quali fossero i voti delle pagelle del noto divulgatore scientifico? Ve lo diciamo noi. È trascorso poco più di un mese .
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