that when he talks about what she would like to do to people he perceives as his enemies, he s often not lying. new reporting to that effect tonight, in cup with several other reports suggesting that he meant what he said over the weekend, when he said this. we pledged to you that we will root out the communist, marxist, fascist, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, that s a lie and steal and cheat on election. vermin, the former president on veterans day nola s went on to say, quote, the threat from outside forces is far less sinister dangerous and grooving the threat from within. our threat is from within. after that, he pays foreign dictators calling russia, china, and tough. the washington post story right on the hitler, misogyny. cnn presidential telling the postal language is the language that dictators used to instill fear. that s what dictators do. other historians and scholars of fascism echoed that assessment