Montreal and surrounding areas are in the grips of a major storm, thanks to an unpredictable weather system. Originating from Western Canada, the system is expected to bring a mix of heavy rain and snow. The dramatic shift in weather could pose a challenge for commuters and city services due to rapidly changing conditions.
Montreal welcomed its inaugural snowfall of the winter season this morning after nearly five centimetres of snow covered the streets and buildings of Montreal. Whether you were able to catch the snowfall at its peak or refused to look outside and accept our new reality – here are a few reminder shots that truly capture the magic of Montreal's very first snowfall of the year.
Montreal could get its first real taste of winter this week. An arctic air mass has ushered in an early winter chill. Now, Environment Canada has issued a special weather statement for the province: come Thursday, a blanket of snow is expected to descend.
Snow and Canada are friends as old as time, with the return of crisp white coldness about as predictable as the rising and setting of the Sun each day. But some publications believe, despite the massive limitations of modern meteorology, that they can predict the winter weather across the country not only days, not only weeks, but months and months in advance.
The coming months of Quebec winter weather are shaping up to be "tough, stormy and long," according to MétéoMédia's team of experts. A polar vortex is expected to bring harsh temperatures and increased precipitation across Canada, including Quebec.