Action News Jax Investigates found the Jacksonville Transportation Authority’s (JTA) multimillion-dollar autonomous vehicle project is over budget and behind deadline.
Action News Jax Investigates found the Jacksonville Transportation Authority’s (JTA) multimillion-dollar autonomous vehicle project is over budget and behind deadline.
James O'Keefe interviewed a border agent, and the information is horrifying. There is no better word to describe it. What brought the agent to tears is the trafficking of children. He said the most troubling thing for him, and it's more than troubling - it's evil - is the trafficking
Israel is correct: This war will last for a long time: Every embassy and consulate of Israel, USA and colonial powers will be considered legitimate targets as Centers for world genocide terrors. So far, Israel embassy in Bahrain was burned down. And the Egyptians invaded the Tahrir Square. I came to the realization that Israel…