North Miami Beach Police detectives, working with the FBI, have located a missing 15-year-old girl hundreds of miles away, in Philadelphia, after she vanished.
For some reason, there are sexual predators who think that their deviant behavior online will not come back to haunt them. Hiding behind a keyboard does not mean messages, search histories, and other online activity can t be uncovered. Some sexual criminals even make the choice to illegally converse with underage people online, thinking they will not get caught.
According to
Minot Daily News, the Minot Police Department and Burke County teamed up to uncover online predators. In a recent sting called
Operation Ice House, five adult, North Dakotan men were arrested for alleged sexual conversations and/ or plans to meet with teenagers. Sixty-five-year-old Randy Kramer, 25-year-old Justin Helseth, 23-year-old Jordan Kostek, 38-year-old Roy Moody, and 22-year-old Antonio Malnourie have all been charged for sexual crimes against minors. Get the full story from