dictatorship in the world gets a two week promotional push from the network. so this morning the wait is over . we ve been talking aboutor for a long time.ou the winter olympics are here if you can believe it. some competition already underway ahead of tomorrow s opening ceremony. if only the reality of the situation, though, reflected nbc s getting our journey from the united. they started with an approval process that took weeks to be fully vaccinated. ho shochu negative pcr tests require a green health qr code and so i ve just been so strict lately and definitely make things like going to the olympics not as enjoyable the covid test upon arrival it s been called the brain w scraperhi and let s just say its thorough. no tickets being sold to fans here. athletes are being asked to maska and not even cheer foror their teammates out loud. it s unsettling if there s any doubt about how strict chinese authorities are in regard to preventinghe the spread of the virus. these heavily branded
Posle skoro dve godine borbe sa epidemijom korona virusa neki izgleda i dalje nisu naučili da je nošenje zaštitne maske jedan od osnovnih načina zaštite.Ipak ima .
Varianti Delta përhapet më lehtë sesa variantet e tjera të virusit korona edhe ndër personat e vaksinuar kundër Covid-19. Prandaj ekspertët rekomandojë edhe më tej mbajtjen e maskave dhe respektimin e distancës fizike.