Renowned actor Mukesh Khanna is once again at the center of attention due to his outspoken comments targeting B-town personalities. The actor was recently in the news for his criticism of Ranveer Singh and Zeenat Aman. Khanna's tendency to court controversy is not new. In the past, the 'Shaktimaan' star made headlines for his opposition to the creators of 'Adipurush', condemning their interpretation of the Ramayana.
Actor Sharad Kelkar on playing Chhatrapati Shivaji, in his most successful film, Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior (2020), on the occasion of Shivaji Jayanti today.
Renowned actor Sharad Kelkar reflects on the honor and significance of portraying Chhatrapati Maharaj in the blockbuster film ‘Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior’ on the occasion of Shivaji Jayanti. Read more about his journey and the overwhelming response from audiences.