After perhaps the most intense election Forest & Bird’s annual Bird of the Year competition has ever seen, we finally have our winner - the one, the only,.
Last Week Tonight host John Oliver has launched a self-described “alarmingly aggressive” campaign in support of Australasian crested grebe (pūteketeke) in.
Unless you’ve been doing a social media cleanse or you’re not a fan of our feathered friends, you’ll have heard of the controversy behind this year’s Bird of.
US talk show host John Oliver has weighed in on a very important New Zealand matter: the upcoming Bird of the Century competition . The competition has.
it all looks a little too contrived. you mentioned for goshen as we were on air last friday what do you make of the fact that he is still alive tonight hiding out in olivers? there s a lot we still don t know about the events that happened the fact that he is still alive is really what undermines this narrative that the kremlin is trying to spend that putin is a leader. it shows he s quite weak. i m shocked frankly and so are most russian experts that they haven t taken him out after putin called him a traitor publicly multiple times and i think this is a real sign of a