OPENING Amigos (NR) This Indian comedy stars Nandamuri Kalyan Ram, Ashika Ranganath, and Nithin Prasanna. (Opens Friday) Kasethan Kadavulada (NR) A remake of a 1972 Indian film by the same name, this heist comedy stars Shiva, Priya Anand, Yogi Babu, Urvashi, Karunakaran, Sivaangi Krishnakumar, and Pugazh.
Oliver Hermanus (Moffie) directs Bill Nighy in his Academy Award-nominated role as Mr. Rodney Williams, a humorless bureaucrat who in 1953 London receives a fatal.
Oliver Hermanus’ Living , a faithful remake of Akira Kurosawa’s Ikiru , stars Bill Nighy as a terminally ill repressed bureaucrat who realizes it s time to rage against the dying of the light.