Many buildings have a historical past. Two buildings in Royalston, have a unique past all their own and an effort is underway to preserve that past while finding a use for them in the modern day. At both the Old Centre Cemetery and Riverside.
By CARLA CHARTERFor Athol Daily NewsA Candlelit Living History Tour of Old Centre Cemetery in Royalston on Oct. 23 will allow North Quabbin residents the chance to meet historical figures from Royalston’s past.The event is sponsored by the Royalston.
A Page from North Quabbin History: Telling the stories behind the stones
Gravestones at the Old Centre Cemetery in Winchendon. The Winchendon Historical Society conducted research to tell the stories of the people who were buried there. Contributed photo/Amy Scott
Modified: 12/22/2020 4:16:18 PM
Prior to the Old Centre Cemetery tour held by the Winchendon Historical Society this past fall, research was conducted in order to be able to tell the stories of the people who were buried there. The Society has now launched a new project to continue their efforts to tell these stories, this time focusing on the graves at the Riverside Cemetery. “We want to tell the stories behind the graves,” said Amy Scott who, with Caitlin Staples, are conducting the research for both cemetery projects.