WERT — The third annual Back to School program is under way. Eligible
Van Wert County students in grades Preschool - 12 (2021 - 2022 school
year) wil
Back to School program set
Information submitted Income eligibility VAN WERT The third annual Back to School program begins soon.
Eligible Van Wert County students in grades preschool - 12 (2021 - 2022
school year) will receive a $100 voucher for the purchase of shoes and
socks and a school spirit t-shirt for grades K - 12th. Eligibility is
based on family income at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty
Families must meet all PRC program eligibility rules.
must provide the identity of parent/guardian, Social Security cards for
all household members, and income verification for all family members
for the last 30 days (i.e. pay stubs, SSI award letter, child support,