mission or cover for a missile test? tonight, the white house with a strong warning. and everyone was asking questions. oh, what happened? what did you do, jeremy? shepard: he grabbed the wheel when the bus driver had a heart attack. his eyes were bulling and he was twitching in the chair. glent, to the 13-year-old hero who saved everybody on the bus. but, first from fox this tuesday night, rick santorum is out, and mitt romney is apparently on his way to wrapping up the republic nomination. our delegate counters say it s now mathematically improbable for anybody to beat him. but rick santorum certainly made it interesting. he came out of nowhere from the single dittle digits to win 11 states. he was vowing to fight all the way to the convention in tampa. but he was also facing the possibility of losing in the state of pennsylvania. the state he represented in both the house and the senate.