Final Call News
Top row L-R: Samuel X, Hasan Muhammad. Second Row L-R: Thomas Muhammad, Julius X, Ben X. Third row L-R: Rashad Muhammad, Darwin Muhammad, Odartei Lampty Muhammad. Photos: Haroon Rajaee
On the morning of February 27, at 7.a.m., members of the Nation of Islam’s military training of the men who belong to Islam in North America, the Fruit of Islam (FOI), gathered in different cities via webcast for their annual class during the Nation of Islam’s Saviours’ Day Convention.
Student Supreme Captain Mustapha Farrakhan
This year commemorates the 144-year birth anniversary of the Nation of Islam’s founder, Master Fard Muhammad, who was born February 26, 1877. Every year, members of the Muslim community would travel to designated cities in honor of His birth. But after one year of the Covid-19 global pandemic, the many workshops, drill competitions and panel discussions were broadcast and facilitated virtually.