Stephens reissued their overweight rating on shares of Talos Energy (NYSE:TALO – Free Report) in a research note released on Monday morning, Benzinga reports. The brokerage currently has a $26.00 target price on the stock. Several other research analysts have also recently commented on TALO. Citigroup began coverage on shares of Talos Energy in a […]
Talos Energy Inc. (NYSE:TALO – Get Free Report) was the recipient of a large increase in short interest in the month of January. As of January 31st, there was short interest totalling 11,950,000 shares, an increase of 40.1% from the January 15th total of 8,530,000 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 1,930,000 shares, […]
Thompson Siegel & Walmsley LLC lifted its position in Talos Energy Inc. (NYSE:TALO – Free Report) by 1.6% during the third quarter, according to its most recent 13F filing with the SEC. The institutional investor owned 466,262 shares of the company’s stock after buying an additional 7,323 shares during the period. Thompson Siegel & Walmsley […]
South Dakota Investment Council cut its position in Talos Energy Inc. (NYSE:TALO – Free Report) by 0.9% in the 3rd quarter, according to its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The institutional investor owned 547,943 shares of the company’s stock after selling 4,849 shares during the quarter. South Dakota Investment Council owned […]
Talos Energy Inc. (NYSE:TALO – Get Free Report) has earned a consensus recommendation of “Buy” from the eight analysts that are currently covering the stock, Marketbeat reports. Eight investment analysts have rated the stock with a buy recommendation. The average 12 month target price among brokers that have issued a report on the stock in […]