On Thursday, leading prosecutor Advocate Peter Serunye told the court they even had to cancel his flight and accommodation. Adv. Serunye revealed that this key witness, who is a former investigatin.
Lawyers for Dinesh Patel and Iqbal Sharma have made an application in the Nulane trial to be given time to study a document that would have been part of the testimony of the next state witness.
Free State government official Shadrack Cezula is adamant his conduct in enabling a lightning-fast R12.4 million payment to Gupta-linked Nulane is potentially criminal – but lawyers for the defence have spent two days trying to convince him otherwise.
Lawyers for Dinesh Patel and Iqbal Sharma have made an application in the Nulane trial to be given time to study a document that would have been part of the testimony of the next state witness.
The case is based on allegations that R24.9 million was paid to Nulane Investment to conduct a feasibility study for the Free State Province’s flagship Mohoma Mobung project, on the basis that Nula.