Meta-owned photo-sharing platform, Instagram is down for several users around the world, including in India. The outage began on Thursday morning, and users are reporting that they are unable to access their feeds, send or receive messages, or view stories. As of now, the company has not revealed any details related to the outage.
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Instagram Launches a Test That Allows Users to Choose Whether Or Not to See Likes
On Wednesday, Instagram launched a small test globally allowing its users to choose whether to hide like counts on their own posts or other people s posts.
| 15 April 2021 8:01 AM GMT
NEW DELHI: Instagram on Monday conducted a small global test in which its users will get an option to hide their like counts and also the like counts of other users. This news was confirmed by Facebook Inc.
This photo-sharing app is owned by social media giant Facebook Inc. This latest test came after seeing the mixed responses after Instagram conducted its experiments in which it removed likes which is commonly used as a measure of popularity.