What happens after the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) papers are collected? What’s done to ensure marking consistency and accuracy across all the markers? We ask PSLE science chief marker Jay Mahardale for insights on the marking process, and how parents and students can tackle the annual national exam ef
The PSLE. A crucial milestone for 12-year-olds in Singapore is now a high stakes exam marked by months of long preparation and sacrifices. What’s fueling our grades obsession? Can we ever let it go?
How are the papers marked? How fair or strict are the markers? What should pupils do for a good result? PSLE science chief marker Jay Mahardale tackles these issues and more.
Have Singapore’s views on academic results shifted, even a bit, since a change of the PSLE scoring system in 2021? The programme Regardless of Grades looks at how parents are approaching the exam and what it is doing to children.
Botswana Examinations Council (BEC) has released the 2023 Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) results and the latter shows various improvements.