i need the money, fire me. what about it judy? i m kind of with kirsten on this. i don t understand what this is all about. except that she has put herself out there. she is all things palin are fair target, fair game can if her last name was smith she wouldn t get the . one more break. when we come back a lindsay lohan movie inspires the latest column from maureen dowd and greg gutfeld takes know announcer: maureen dowd of the new york times takes on the republican mean girls and greg gutfeld plays referee, next on news watch. [ ale announcer ] let s throw on those satury clothes. it s doing season. when we grab a little spare time.and get after it. we re lowering the cost of weekend projects. making things happen.
else. you were right when you said this comes down to, they were looking for a reason to get rid of me because i appear on fox news. they don t want me talking to you. schiller gave an apology about her callus comments but not directly to juan. any of you think that he should have been fired for what he said? no! juan and very something in common. 26 years ago ellen weiss then the producer of an afternoon program called me as she called juan now she executive vice president. and told me that my services as the only conservative commentator on npr were no longer needed. why i asked? because you have become too predictable this this is the ideological uniformity of opinion that they not only want to enforce on npr, but also they are reluctant for anybody to come on fox. this wasn t about muslims.
else. you were right when you said this comes down to, they were looking for a reason to get rid of me because i appear on fox news. they don t want me talking to you. schiller gave an apology about her callus comments but not directly to juan. any of you think that he should have been fired for what he said? no! juan and very something in common. 26 years ago ellen weiss then the producer of an afternoon program called me as she called juan now she executive vice president. and told me that my services as the only conservative commentator on npr were no longer needed. why i asked? because you have become too predictable this this is the ideological uniformity of opinion that they not only want to enforce on npr, but also they are reluctant for anybody to come on fox. this wasn t about muslims.
co-conspirator in the holyland foundation case in texas, a few years ago. put out a memo, i get their e-mails, the night before urging all of their supporters to contact npr and put the heat on juan williams. there s that element too. what happen to my liberal friends worried about a chilling effect that we hear so often and damage to the first amendment? under the first amendment we are guaranteed freedom of speech. doesn t that apply to news analysts? juan was expressing his opinion? he s a news analyst. these are old new york times rules you are not supposed to be spouting off on your personal opinions. there s a kind of weird now very old fashioned line that some news organizations stale tempt to draw. i feel very sorry for npr here. i ll tell you why, they ve shot themselves in the foot this was a news organization, one of the last that was sending out reporters trying to do great stories.
million. that s enough to make them do what they wanted to do any way, get rid of juan. soros probably the most liberal billionaire wouldn t you say? i would. is it appropriate on the day juan gets fired we find out about the almost two million dollars from soros to hire reporters for npr? there s been conflicts in the past over other things that he said. he said something about mish shill obamaq i about michelle obama. i think the tie to soros is a bit of a stretch. i don t think it is news they lean liberal. i like them a lot. i think they do a good product. i think what juan said is not a fireable offense in any no one i think can look at that and say a person should be tired over that. council on american islamic relations, a muslim advocacy group and also unindicted