Once in a great while - perhaps only in a lifetime or generation - a select few individuals emerge in a community who transcend volunteerism and leadership, rising to a level at which everything and e.
Your Turn: The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, from New London to Norwich
A Navy truck filled with sailors and enlisted women rides down State Street on Nov. 11, 1918, soon after the armistice ending World War I was signed. The celebration occurred as the region was experiencing a pandemic that became known as the Spanish Flu. (photo courtesy of the Public Library of New London)
Published January 28. 2021 12:01AM
Vivian F. Zoe, Special to The Times
Editor’s Note: This is part one of a two-part series.
The Spanish Influenza pandemic in Connecticut is said to have started in New London on Sept. 1, 1918, when the active port debarked passengers and, a few days later, sailors from the U.S. Naval Base returned to port ill.