Northlight Theatre, under the direction of Artistic Director BJ Jones and Executive Director Timothy J. Evans, presents the next installment of Interplay with Joan by David Goldstein, directed by David Ivers on Monday, May 1, 2023, at 7:00pm. The creative consultant is Larry Amoros. The reading is presented with permission from Mills Entertainment in association with Sheboygan Productions and Larry Amoros.
Bechdel Fest 8
Broken Nose Theatre presents Bechdel Fest 8: Realign, a festival of short plays featuring femme, female-identifying, nonbinary, transgender and queer actors playing characters who talk about subjects other than men. The festival references the Bechdel-Wallace Test created by cartoonist Alison Bechdel that asks whether an entertainment work features at least two non-male identifying characters in conversation about something other than a man. Many of the immensely talented artists involved in this season s festival have been signed on since last spring, back when we were expecting to host the event in-person during the summer, said Broken Nose artistic director Elise Marie Davis in a prepared statement. The fact that they graciously and enthusiastically stayed onboard as this year s lineup was pushed back, and ultimately pivoted to becoming digital, is enormously exciting to the Broken Nose family and myself.