the materials i have, you ll you ll notice that there s like no white kids represented in that. clearly, she wants her 15 minutes of fame down in florida, a father says that his daughter attempted suicide not once but twice after her school encouraged others to call her a boy and gave her a new name while not notifyinghe the parents. the father is now suingng the clay county schoolfa distrit and he will join us along with his attorney tomorrow nighttrlois a and amid all of these efforts by teachers to indoctrinate your kids in school, and to turn their classrooms into woke activism centers, parents are outraged and losing confidence in the staffing abilities of the schools. and god forbid they go to, a school boardde meeting. they ll be investigated for domestic terrorism here with reaction, virginia governor glenn young. and governor, this played a bigs role in your state in your election. and now you see it s expanding out all across the country. let s talk about what s going on in f