A delegation from Forêts et Développement Rural, FODER association headquarters in Yaounde is on a two-week mission in the North Region of Cameroon to evaluate the project, Ecosysteme du Nord Cameroun, EcoNorCam: Vers une approche intégrée du paysage.
The “magic wand” technology has been introduced around Benue National Park in the North Region of Cameroon. By Forêts et Développement Rural, FODER as part of EcoNorCam project. To reduce the demand for fuel wood and enhance biodiversity conservation.
Bonné Guisatta, Head of Forêts et Développement Rural, FODER association’s component of the project, Ecosysteme du Nord Cameroun, EcoNorCam: Vers une approche intégrée du paysage.
In almost three years of implementation, the four-year project, Ecosysteme du Nord Cameroun, EcoNorCam: Vers une approche intégrée du paysage has already restored 300 hectares of degraded land. But continues to face hiccups to attaining greater heights.
Land and natural resource transactions around Benue National Park (BNP) are moderately tainted by corruption. The Stakeholders' Perception of the Impact and Intensity of Corruption (SPIC) in and around the Benue National Park Biosphere Reserve in Cameroon was rated 6.32/10. This is the result of a recent study published by the organisation Forêts et Développement Rural (Foder).