The Teton Valley Ski Education Foundation awarded over $9,000 in scholarship funds to 23 athletes for the upcoming 2021-22 season. Contributors included Peaked Sports, John and Susan Love, Sego Ski
Lisa Ventriss, Vermont Business Roundtable (Ex-Officio)
Going forward, the Foundation’s focus strategically aligns with and supports impactful workforce and education programs.
“The opportunity to scale and grow programs that serve the labor force and the business community, is upon us. Among the Foundation’s first tasks is to set short and long-range goals and workplans” said, Meg Fleming, CEO of SymQuest Group. The Foundation currently hosts two related programs:
Vermont Talent Pipeline (VTPM) which organizes employer collaboratives to generate shared talent requirements, and related training partnerships. VTPM currently serves the industries of Construction, Healthcare and Advanced Manufacturing, and acts as part of a national Talent Pipeline network across 30+ states.
Targhee Cup Adult Race League
Grand Targhee Resort and the Teton Valley Ski Education Foundation are teaming up again this winter to host the Targhee Cup adult race league. Races will take place every Thursday from February 11 through March 4. Local teams will have the opportunity to race the gates with neighbors, family, friends, co-workers and bitter rivals. Settle once and for all who really is the fastest on the hill.this season!
The Targhee Cup consists of four races down Palmerâs Raceway. Itâs a fun and social adult race league. Courses will be set to accommodate skiers and snowboarders of all abilities. Each team can have up to 6 members, 1 must be of the opposite gender, and 2 alternates are permitted but must be on the roster or ski under the original memberâs name. An optional inspection (sideslip) will be held from 1:30-2pm each race day. Every competitor will get 2 runs between 2-4pm. The top finish time of those 2 runs will be the result for the day. Hik