The Irish studio has partnered with animation studio Funny Tales and creative collective Cosmonaut on a new sci-fi animated kids’ series based on the artwork of Phillip Kaeser; the show follows Neto, who traverses the galaxy while trying to regain his memory.
Move allows bars that don’t serve food to reopen indoors for the first time since June 2020.
The $28.6-billion Restaurant Revitalization Fund created in the American Rescue Plan allows restaurants, food trucks, bars, bakeries, breweries and wineries to apply for grants equal to their pandemic-related revenue loss up to $10 million per business and $5 million per location.
The money doesn’t have to be repaid if it is used by March 11, 2023, for payroll, mortgage, rent and utility payments, to build outdoor seating, or for business supplies including safety equipment, food and payments to suppliers.
Congress provided billions in similar relief to business owners early in the pandemic through forgivable Paycheck Protection Program loans, but many restaurant owners said the restrictions on how the money could be spent, especially the emphasis on payroll over other business expenses like rent and paying supplies, meant that while they could pay employees, they didn