Collecting it, they were not passing it to you, they were passing it to State Department . Department of defense . This is what they reported to me. I have not seen the documents that have been collected. I only know those documents that i have produced or that my staff at my staff has brought to my attention or that i have received. So no, i do not know what has happened with the documents that have been collected. Same general question to you, sir. I requested it wants given access to documents that had originated or were sent to me for the pertinent matters of this investigation during a finite. Back. I dont have information about what is going on in terms of other documents that i did not produce or do not receive. There was a move to gather them, and i understood generally and directly and informally that they had been gathered. That is the extent of my knowledge. It is not my area of
responsibility. Yes, but did they pass them on to you or did they pass them on to the administrat
on purchasing of equipment, is that correct? not to my understanding, no. can i ask you a nonimpeachment inquiry question, ms. cooper? a nonwhite? a nonimpeachment inquiry question? sir, my time is yours. what are we doing to help the ukrainians defend against russian warfare? what more can we do to defend? what i can say in an open hearing is that there is some electronic warfare detection equipment that is included in the usi package. so there is a piece of capability that we are already working to provide them. i think this specific topic though is more suitable for a closed-door session. that is a good copy. thank you for both of your service to this country. and i yield back. think you chairman, thank you for your testimony today.