A half-century after its triumphant Broadway debut, South Bay Musical Theatre will present the timeless classic A Little Night Music, featuring haunting and humorous music by the late great Stephen Sondheim, with a book by Hugh Wheeler.
"Pear Slices" is a collection of mini-plays by members of the Pear Playwrights Guild in one production, and it s been an annual highlight from the Mountain View theater for nearly two decades now.
“Pear Slices” is a collection of mini-plays by members of the Pear Playwrights Guild in one production, and it’s been an annual highlight from the Mountain View theater for nearly two decades now.
The Pear Theatre’s first pairing of the year – “Dontrell, Who Kissed the Sea” and “Frankenstein: Unbound” – is slated to open Friday and run through Feb. 26 in Mountain