Nilima Motaparti, one of the wealthiest women in India with a stated net worth of over Rs 28,180 crore as of March 2023, is one such successful person. Murali Krishna Divi, who started Divi's Laboratories, is the father of Nilima Motapatri.
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Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, managing director and CEO of Biocon, is the second-wealthiest woman in India. | Reuters
After a tumultuous few years, the fortunes of India’s pharma companies reversed this year as the Covid-19 pandemic led people to buy more medicines. This has translated into wealth creation for leaders in India’s pharma industry.
Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, managing director and CEO of Biocon, which manufactures complex pharma ingredients, is the second-wealthiest woman in India, followed by Leena Gandhi Tewari of USV, which is in the field of diabetes and cardiovascular and Nilima Motapatri of generic drugmaker Divi’s Laboratories.
Together these three women have a net worth of Rs 76,520 crore ($10.82 billion).