Capt Amarinder Singh on Sunday announced the Punjab Lok Congress (PLC) candidates from 22 constituencies for the February 20 polls, with clear focus on winnability while ensuring due representation across regions and various sections of .
The PLC has been allotted 37 to contest out of the 117 seats in the state as part of its alliance with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and SAD (Sanyukt), with discussions still in progress on possibly another five seats for the party, he said.
Capt Amarinder Singh on Sunday announced the Punjab Lok Congress (PLC) candidates from 22 constituencies for the February 20 polls, with clear focus on winnability while ensuring due representation across regions and various sections of society.
The PLC has been allotted 37 to contest out of the 117 seats in Punjab as part of its alliance with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and SAD (Sanyukt).
Chandigarh, December 1
Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi on Wednesday dubbed the AAP a party of “kale angrej” trying to win the 2022 state assembly elections, prompting his Del