Kinder we have a lot of good stuff going on. The cast of spiderman far from home is back stage. [cheers and applause] theres one movie im excited about this summer well, its detective pikachu, but im also excited about spiderman far from home. This is about peter parker and his friends going on a trip to europe. There are so many super hero movies shooting their vacations. And dr. Strange goes on a yoga retreat to tulum. Do you feel your spidey senses tingling . Go to the doctor. If its not, come back. Today the white house welcomed the world series boston red sox. Some of them anyway. The white ones showed up. I wish it was a joke. It isnt. This is posted on the white house website. President trump welcomes 2018 boston red socks. They spelled sox ocks. There is no detail too small for them to screw up. I hope they dont invite courtney cox. So they took that down, and later in the day they screwed up again. They wrote, remarks by President Trump welcoming the 2018 world cup series cham
MIDCOAST A total of 163 businesses in Knox and Waldo counties received aid money from the Maine Tourism, Hospitality and Retail Recovery Grant program.
Funding for the program originated from the federal Coronavirus Relief Fund with funding being provided to the first 2,500 approved applications from eligible tourism, hospitality and retail businesses in the industries of accommodation and food services; breweries; wineries; distilleries; retail trade; arts; entertainment; and recreation.
Applicants must have gross sales between $24,000 and $12 million annually and suffered a 20% or greater loss in gross sales as reported to the Maine Revenue Services on sales tax returns comparing either March 2019 through September 2019 to March 2020 through September 2020, for monthly filers, or April 2019 through September 2019 to April 2020 through September 2020, for quarterly filers.