'Amidst the collapse of the advertising-based model, old style journalists continued to stick to their guns, worried that if journalists focus on how to earn money, they might forget why they chose journalism in the first place,' writes Nuggehalli.
Explore the impact of BEPS principles and MLI framework on India's Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAA). Detailed analysis of the India-Singapore DTAA, changes in PE clauses, and post-BEPS amendments.
Under the new bond, SIAC and NLSIU will work together to place NLSIU law students in internships at SIAC and collaborate to incorporate a module on “SIAC and Institutional Arbitration” into NLSIU’s law programme.
'Attention spans are now measured by the amount of time we spend on things between looking at our mobiles. I have banned mobile and laptop usage from my classrooms, but I find that in faculty meetings my hands move towards my mobile phone as if driven by some mysterious forces beyond my control,'