While the first Easter Sunrise Service technically took place on Aspen Mountain back on March 15, 1951, Chaplain Gregg Anderson has been hosting Easter services consecutively in the valley for the past 50 years.
Manic Mechanic, 4 p.m., Friday, Aspen Art Museum Rooftop Cafe Join artist and exhibition curator Urs Fischer for an in-depth conversation with artist Darren Bader on John Chamberlain’s six-decade-long nomadic and experimental career. The duo.
On Thursday, Feb. 1, from 6-8 p.m., Rabbi Shira, interim Rabbi of the Aspen Jewish Congregation, will be kicking off a special Aspen Chapel Retreat program with a talk entitled “Gender and the Divine – He/She/It/Them/They?.
‘No’ on Prop 125 Passage of Prop 125 will allow grocery stores to sell wine. Grocery stores will not be expanded to allow for wine sales; food items will be removed to make room for.