Wreckwatch, the foremost publication dedicated to maritime archaeology, has released a groundbreaking special issue shedding light on the controversial history and future of the San José, a Spanish galleon lost off the coast of Cartagena, Colombia, in 1708.
High in the Peruvian Andes, in the southeastern region of Huancavelica, lies a brown, treeless mountaintop the scars of the now-boarded-up Santa Bárbara mercury mine, whose legacy is social and environmental devastation, reports Ana Zorita.
Lewiston • Kyle Cathey, 38, of 127 Richmond Road, Litchfield, on a warrant charging failure to pay a fine, at 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 3, at 380 Main St. • Tyler Hilliard, 26, of 237 Neck Road, Litchfield, on charges of criminal trespass and violating conditions of release, at 1:19 a.m. Thursday, May 4, at […]
RALEIGH, N.C. Cuba has seen wide scale protests and demonstrations at levels never before seen in the country s 62 year long communist regime. The protests over the country s food shortages and high prices during the pandemic have led to clashes with police and arrests. Marches and demonstrations have also taken place in the United States as people stand in solidarity with Cuba.
Many Cubans have been protesting and holding demonstrations on the island
They re protesting long lines and shortages of food and medicines, as well as repeated electricity outages
Right now, experts say it s unclear if the country s government would accept aid