The Iranian regime-controlled Channel 4 ran a series of broadcasts with British and American Holocaust deniers in January shortly before International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27. British Holocaust denier Nicholas Kollerstrom told the
British Holocaust denier Nicholas Kollerstrom told the Iranian regime outlet it is time to put the "nightmare hallucination narrative" of the Holocaust "to bed."
Iran's Channel 4, a Farsi channel, began airing on January 1, 2023, a series of English-language interviews with U.S. and U.K. Holocaust deniers and conspiracy theorists from the U.S. and Britain, with the later addition of French.
Introduction The Iranian regime is known for its statements denying the Holocaust, and for organizing and encouraging activity promoting this denial – including via conferences, exhibitions, and cartoon contests. It also supports Holocaust deniers outside Iran. While over the years Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has called the Holocaust a "myth" that never happened, in
British Holocaust denier Nicholas Kollerstrom said in an interview that was aired on Channel 4 (Iran) on January 15 and 16, 2023 that it is time to put the “nightmare hallucination narrative” of the Holocaust “to bed.” He said that the gas chambers were “imaginary” and “phantasmal” and that Zyklon-B had only been used as a “normal” insecticide. He claimed that Auschwitz had