One-Plate frozen meals become popular in Japan with new recipes, reasonable prices Asia News Network (ANN) is the leading regional alliance of news titles striving to bring the region closer, through an active sharing of editorial content on happenings in the region.
If you’ve never eaten a grilled rice ball, known as yaki-onigiri in Japanese, you’re missing out. Like a regular rice ball, they’re the perfect snack for when you’re just a little bit hungry, with the addition of a delightfully sweet and salty flavor afforded by being dressed with soy sauce…
A quintessential part of Japanese cuisine is a steaming bowl of miso soup. Hearty and comforting, miso soup can be eaten with breakfast, lunch or dinner. And while it’s pretty simple to make miso soup from scratch, frozen food company Nichirei Foods recently posted a recipe for an easy-to-make miso soup ball that can…