Amy Antonucci, chair of the board, New Hampshire Peace Action Education Fund. Em Friedrichs, Durham. The Rev. David Grishaw-Jones, pastor, the Community Church of Durham (UCC). Janet Simmon, New England Network for Justice in Palestine. Janet Zeller,.
FARMINGTON - The Western Maine CA$H Coalition is now taking appointments for the 2023 Tax Filing Season. The program, which offers free tax preparation, resource navigation, and personal financial management assistance, will offer services on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Henderson Memorial Baptist Church located at 110 Academy Street)
CAPITAL REGION, N.Y. United Way of the Greater Capital Region (UWGCR), Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Albany and their partners in the Greater Capital Region CA$H Coalition have launched the 2024 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) season. VITA is a free service sponsored by the IRS that offers thousands of Capital Region families […]
KOTA KINABALU: The decision by Sabah’s Cabinet to build the Pan Borneo highway through the wildlife-rich Tawai Forest Reserve is a blow to the state’s efforts to be seen as a global leader in conservation, says a conservation group.
LA GRANDE — An opinion out of Union County Circuit Court means that a Boise, Idaho-based utility needs to pay “just compensation” for entries onto a property along the proposed