22-year-old Praveen belonging to the Paraiyar caste (classified as Scheduled Caste) was killed by Sharmila’s brother Dinesh (24) and four other men in the Pallikaranai locality on February 24.
At least 24 candidates who were on the waiting list for PhD programs in the academic year 2021-22 were allegedly selected without following the reservation proc
It is to be noted that Dharmapuram Adheenam was one of the 21 Adheenams from Tamil Nadu who attended the inauguration of the new parliament building in New Delh
The students, research scholars and the administration face ripple effects of the tussle between the state government and Governor RN Ravi, who is the chancello
Discover the Tamil Nadu government's allocation of Rs 1,000 crores for the Vada Chennai Valarchi Thittam (North Chennai Development Scheme) in the annual budget. The scheme aims to enhance sanitation infrastructure, construct super-speciality blocks in hospitals, and develop educational and environmental facilities in North Chennai.