reason that jeff zucker is now out as president of fake news. cnn according to multiple reports, it wasn t the undisclosed consensual relationship with a coworker that everybodyha in the news industry knew about for years and years and years. instead was so much more inappropriate relationship with new york governor andrew cuomo. now the newew y york post reporg tonight that zucker and his girlfriend personally called cuomo begging himto, quote, do news segments with your brother chris cuomo and even coaching andrew cuomo on what to say during his infamous covid briefings. didn t they fire chris over? that ? anyway, the pair also offered advice on how to respond to president trump who they hated . many staffers at cnn reportedly are outraged with zuckert one telling the post quote, no network head should be coaching an elected official. it s absolutely the antithesis of cnn standards of business. when did they get standards
0 just resist in there. it s just impossible, impossible to stop ourselves. anyway, i literally have tears in my eyes. you ruin my show. i m sorry so i mean, s like how could you not do that ? it s so obvious. jeff zucker, jeff toobin. i mean, come and i was going to suggest humpty dumpty you win by a long shot d. i don t even i can t touch that no pun intended. all right, tucker , thank you . welcome to hannity . we ll try and get ourselves together tonight for the hour. e we will confront a major problem in the us and that is the left in this country. they have an alarming war on freedom, freedom of thought, freedom itself. forgetit the constitution, natural born rights, our declaration of independence, you know, inalienable rights come from god, not from government, but little tyrants on the left. they re using a every tool atsp their disposal to control what you are allowed to say, what you are allowed to hear and just who is allowed to express an opinion. by the way, they