WASHINGTON There is a phenomenon that has been creeping across America for at least the past 30 years that I have yet to comment on. Social scientists, however, have been writing on it for a long time. It is the phenomenon of people on the right moving into neighborhoods that are already heavily conservative. On the other hand, people on the left end of the political spectrum tend to stay in areas that are traditionally left-wing.
There is a phenomenon that has been creeping across America for at least 30 years that I have yet to comment on. Social scientists, however, have been writing about it for a long time.
At the tail end of the 1970s, I was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania. From an early age I lost myself in issues of National Geographic, and travel became a passion long before it was a real possibility. I learned to hunt and fly fish, and how to clean and cook what I took from the streams and forests of Pennsylvania. But I couldn’t wait to get out and explore the world.