While far-flung Ulhas Nagar has a dedicated hospital ward for trans people, Mumbai and other areas lag behind if these stories by those affected are to go by
No more in the shadows, the LGBTQIA+ community is anxiously watching the ongoing hearings in the Supreme Court pertaining to their demand for 'Marriage Equality and the much-anticipated ensuing rights.One of the petitioners, transgender Zainab .
Mumbai, April 23: No more in the shadows, the LGBTQIA+ community is anxiously watching the ongoing hearings in the Supreme Court pertaining to their demand for Marriage Equality and the much-anticipated ensuing rights.
Mumbai, March 31: The US Consulate in Mumbai and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) have launched a new salon, TransFormation , which is owned and operated by members of the transgender community at Kalyan town in Thane, an official said here on Friday.