A program has launched in New Mexico to help farmers and ranchers experiencing mental-health issues that could lead to suicide. Workload, debt, production costs those are just some of the reasons farmers and ranchers experience mental-health challenges. The "Here to Help New Mexico" program aims to boost health and wellness resources available in agricultural communities. .
By Breanna Draxler for Yes! Magazine.Broadcast version by Alex Gonzalez for Arizona News Connection reporting for the Yes! Magazine-Public News Service Collaboration Aidee Guzman, 30, grew up the daughter of immigrants in California’s Central Valley, among massive fields of monocrops that epitomize intense, industrial agriculture. .
An Oregon county has enacted new restrictions on large-scale agriculture operations. Linn County commissioners approved a one-mile setback rule from property lines for Confined Animal Feeding Operations. Small farmers in the county have celebrated the new rule as a win. .
(KMAland) The passage of a bipartisan, bicameral bill in the U.S. Congress would be very beneficial to people in rural parts of Nebraska. It could also make electric vehicles