Purchase of Assets and Related Global Commercialization Rights for Oral 9-cis-Retinol (Zuretinol) for Rare Forms of Childhood Blindness. Clinical Stage Asset.
Purchase of Assets and Related Global Commercialization Rights for Oral 9-cis-Retinol (Zuretinol) for Rare Forms of Childhood Blindness. Clinical Stage Asset.
It sounds crazy, but for most of the last 85 years, it was illegal in Colorado for breweries to sell low-alcohol beers to bars, restaurants or liquor stores. Anything under 4.0 percent ABV (or 3.2 percent alcohol by weight) was reserved strictly for grocery and convenience stores.
From the end of Prohibition until just two years ago, 3.2 beer was the only kind of booze the big supermarket and convenience chains could sell in Colorado, so the law protected them against competition. In addition to the macro-brewer brands like Coors Light and Bud Light, a few craft breweries distributed 3.2 beer here as well. But the rules changed on January 1, 2019, when the state legislature finally acquiesced and allowed supermarkets and convenience stores to add full-strength ales and lagers to their shelves and 3.2 beers faded into the history books, along with Prohibition and pull-tops.