PBS Reno is pleased to announce eight new episodes of Season 6 of Wild Nevada that will debut in December 2023 and January 2024 on PBS Reno Channel 5.1.
PBS Reno is pleased to announce eight new episodes of Season 6 of Wild Nevada that will debut in December 2023 and January 2024 on PBS Reno Channel 5.1.
what you re watching is not a stunt from an action-packed movie but a real-life car crash with 19-year-old brennan eden, a student from mason, ohio, at the wheel. it just was a freakish, freakish accident. it s early in the morning on august 23rd, 2010. an officer from sugar creek, ohio, near dayton, is scanning i-675 for traffic hazards when suddenly he sees a car flying fast through the air. sergeant james williams, a crash reconstructionist, rushes to the scene. the first thing i noticed was what appeared to be the engine compartment on fire in the high. speed northbound lane which is opposite from where the crash occurred.
race? well, wolf, ben carson got a warm reception here in the campus of cedarville university near dayton. it s a christian college. meanwhile, he has taken a lot of heat on the campaign trail when he said he would not support a muslim in the white house. he s been tweaking that language all day long, but i saw him out here a little while ago and i asked him and he said he is not changing his position. i don t care what a person s religious beliefs are or what their religious heritage is. reporter: tonight ben carson shifting his position on whether a muslim should serve as president. if they embrace american values and they place our constitution at the top level above their religious beliefs, i have no problem with them. reporter: so it s a nationalist position? well, i said that. it s on the record. on nbc. that s exactly what i said. that s exactly what i meant. reporter: but that isn t exactly what carson told nbc on
what you re watching is not a stunt from an action-packed movie but a real life car crash with 19-year-old brennan eden, a student from mason, ohio, at the wheel. it just was a freakish, freakish accident. it s early in the morning on august 23rd, 2010. an officer from sugar creek, ohio, near dayton, is scanning i-675 for traffic hazards when suddenly he sees a car flying fast through the air. sergeant james williams, a crash reconstructionist, rushes to the scene. the first thing i noticed was what appeared to be the engine compartment on fire which is opposite from where the crash occurred. then i noticed the occupant compartment in the center median and then the right side of the