The Indian Navy s post read, "Adm R Hari Kumar #CNS, visited his alma mater, the Juliet Squadron of #NationalDefenceAcademy & joined the celebrations of winning the Champion Chiefs of Staff Banner. An exhilarating moment as #CNS joined the enthusiastic cadets marking their triumph with traditional push-ups."
India News: Watch the viral video of Navy Chief Hari Kumar doing push-ups with NDA cadets. Admiral R Hari Kumar joins the celebrations of winning the Champion Chiefs of Staff Banner at National Defence Academy, Pune.
Vice Admiral G Ashok Kumar said General Naravane is four courses senior to him and he was the Army Chief and that it was difficult for him to counter what General Naravane said.
During a media interaction, General Chauhan addressed the topic of theaterisation and highlighted the significance of jointness and integration as stepping stones toward establishing theatre commands.