Other actresses, who are her league and her successors have been only getting somewhere around Rs 3 Crore to Rs 5 Crore, depending on the project and scale. But, Nayanthara is said to have been charging less for female-centric films and recovering the full remuneration for commercial and big banner films, reportedly.
Several celebrities took to social media to share new pictures with their family, and wished a happy New Year to fans. Check out their posts below. | Bollywood
Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan shared a joint post on Instagram to share pictures from Christmas celebrations. They penned a heartwarming note in the caption.
In the 2-minute and 24-second trailer, Nayanthara portrays the character of Annapoorani, a young woman with aspirations of becoming a chef. However, she hails from an Orthodox Brahmin family with a strong vegetarian tradition, and her father serves as the temple priest.