Naveen Mohamedali, who directed the critically acclaimed Tamil film Moodar Koodam , on Tuesday expressed pain and concern at the intensifying hijab debate in Karnataka.Posting a video clip that showed the intensity of the ongoing debate over .
Prakash Raj has previously captivated millions of hearts with his acting and philanthropy. But it’s his gesture toward a Dalit girl that has earned him praise this time. Srichandana, a Dalit girl, aspired to study in the United Kingdom, but she faced significant challenges due to a lack of resources and funds. Despite her excellentRead More
Actor Prakash Raj s act of making a difference in the life of a poor but meritorious Dalit girl by funding her eduction in the UK has won him praise from Tamil film directors.Naveen Mohamedali, the director of the critically acclaimed film .
Actor Prakash Raj s act of making a difference in the life of a poor but meritorious Dalit girl by funding her eduction in the UK has won him praise from Tamil film directors.