to free passengers trapped in that wreckage. at least 40 bodies covered in blankets lay next to the tracks. the crash happened an hour before sunset after the train emerged from a tunnel and derailed on a curve sending cars off the tracks. in maryland, federal transportation authorities are going to take a look at last friday s dramatic crash on the chesapeake bay bridge. a 22-year-old woman s car was struck from behind by a big rig it then went over the bridge s railing and into the water. the woman was able to escape from her sinking car and was eventually rescued. federal investigators will look into whether any nationwide safety issues played a role in that crash. crews working to control the out-of-control fire on a natural gas rig say they won t get anywhere until engineers can drill relief to stop the leak. good news is that work could begin as early as today near the partially collapsed rig off the coast of louisiana. abc s ryan owens has the latest. reporter: the firebal
a natural gas rig. it is not an oil rig. so the pollution threat is far less than we saw from the bp incident for example. that fire we ve been watching broke out on late tuesday. bill: one the more popular lines from the white house is what is described as phony scandal, a fake issue trumped by republicans in congress. lines like the following from the last week alone. listen. with this endless parade of distractions and political posturing and phony scandals washington s taken its eye off the ball. and i m here to say this needs to stop. the phony scandals that have consumed so much attention here all to come to naught do not focus on pretend scandals. some phony scandals that have captured the attention of many here in washington. fake scandals or things like that. we have to keep focused on the north star here, the issues that the american people want us to be focused on.
a natural gas rig is burning in the gulf of mexico about 60 miles south of grand island, louisiana. workers were able to safely evacuate yesterday. the coast guard is on the scene along with two fire boats. a third one was on the way. the fourth named storm is now tropical storm dorian is packing sustained winds of 50 miles an hour. the forecast shows it approaches the west indies this weekend. it s too early to tell if this storm will hit the united states. an unusual flight delay for a us airways jet departed south carolina. it was ready to leave when a swarm of bees descended on the truck. passengers had to wait inside white the fire department and a beekeeper arrived. the plane took off two hours later. how to make sure the royal baby doesn t start acting like a
fighter jets to the military. deciding it wouldn t be appropriate to move forward with the delivery given everything going on with egypt right now. democratically elected mohamed morsi was thrown out of office after violent protests. there is concern among allies in that region the move will be seen as indirect support for morsi s party, the muslim brotherhood and concern there will be more violence. breaking news this time from the gulf coast where a drilling rig is on fire. the well partially collapsed tod today. it caught fire following a blowout that led to the evacuation of 44 workers. this is happening on the hercules offshore rig about 55 miles off the louisiana coast. live from miami with more. hi, steve. shannon, this is a natural gas rig and it began to burn about 11:00 last night. that fire is still going, the number one priority for coast
shep: a natural gas rig has exploded and forced evacuations and it tops our news across america. oklahoma. authorities say an early warning system at the facility northwest of oklahoma city gave workers enough notice to get out before the blast. the county sheriff says nobody hurt. authorities cleared a two mile radius around the site and evacuated 20 homes. arizona. police say a man robbed a bank in a phoenix suburb, then hopped into the trunk of his get away car. they say a woman was behind the wheel and that thr two-year-old child was also in that vehicle. cops stopped them for speed not guilty a nearby city, then decided to search the car. opened up the trunk and there is the bad guy hiding in there with the money. shep: the suspect is under arrest. indiana. a dump truck coming to a stop on the edge of an i-55 overpass in indianapolis. you can see part of the vehicle hanging there with its front