This virus really doesnt care. The more you have no location the more virus production the wider spread can occur. But occur. But we need to be thinking about in the way of security and why this is different than what it has been prior this is the first time in north america we have had a high pack virus travel teefive wild birds to north america, the first time, and it is because it has adapted itself to these dabbling ducks and is moved across the bering strait. It never happened it never happened before. Low path may be, not high path. So what is different now is we at least have to consider bio security where was fine and well and good for what we were dealing with prior to this we must not consider to me after more importantly the density of farms does facilitate the potential for rapid transmission. We are dealing with a contagious virus. We are dealing with a situation where the ventilation fans that are used to maintain the proper environment of the chickens are turned on. Mate
Between 2005 in 2010 the Judicial Council notes parties recorded 2881 antislap motions in trial court throughout california 81 anti slap motions in trial court throughout california were roughly 481 motions per year. An appeal an appeal was filed in only 375 cases. Put another put another way nearly 90 percent of the cases no appeals while. And that is sort of given that there were about 6. 2 million civil filings and superior courts during that time the 2881 the 2,881 constitutes about i dont know,. 046 percent of all lawsuits. And thats just california. I think thats a good question. I that is for california. We dont know. This bill is a federal bill. We dont know anything about how many of these lawsuits are being filed in other states and federal court. Is. Is a good question to ask for before we pass legislation thats going to circumvent the rules enabling that and also expand the jurisdiction of federal court. How big of a problem is this goahead quakes one thing to keep in mind
All signs point to a cicada-induced vitamin deficiency as the cause of a mystery disease that affected some birds during a 2021 emergence and now again in 2024.